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Cute Commute

Our app "Cute Commute" aims to enhance the commuting experience for women younger than 30 on public transport by addressing discomfort rather than just focusing on safety concerns. Through our research, we found that women in this demographic often feel isolated during their commute and encounter a range of disturbances that increase their cognitive load.

To alleviate this load, we developed "Cute Commute," an app that suggests alternative routes based on comfort preferences and reports of discomfort from other women. This app allows users to have an overall more comfortable commute by suggesting new routes or buses/trains that align with their custom preferences and help avoid unpleasant conditions such as overly crowded trains, smelly buses, dark walking routes, amongst many others.

Worked on in collaboration with Lewwanduuwe Dharmasena (Ruvini), Srishti Sirohi and Sneha Anand

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