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BFF (BushFire Friend)

The aim of our app "BushFire Friend" is to address the pressing and prevailing issues in response to bushfires in Australia, which inflict significant losses and hardships.

The primary aim of our project was to develop a software application that connects and build relationships between diverse user groups, victims, volunteers, and Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), while raising awareness and providing essential features for addressing bushfire emergencies to make the disaster response more efficient and immediate.

The app offers bushfire victims the opportunity to reach out to NGOs directly, volunteers to find nearby organizations to support and a centralized place for organizations to coordinate volunteers and contact victims.

Worked on in collaboration with Worked on in collaboration with Lewwanduuwe Dharmasena (Ruvini), Srishti Sirohi, Shing Chung Lee, Quihong Zeng and Shaoxuan Li

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